Qigong Secrets Home Study Course – Week 6 – My review

So a while ago I told you that I had signed up to an online Qigong course called the Qigong Secrets Home study course, it’s been a few weeks in now, so how’s it going I hear you ask? Here is my review of my experiences, but first, just a little about how and why I found this course.
I regularly meditate, but find it very difficult at times (in fact a lot of the time!) to clear the mind. Active meditations (which can be anything from walking to something you always do) are ideal if you feel a bit restless when you meditate, and something like Qigong, Tai Chi or Yoga are excellent forms of doing this.
I was always intrigued by Qigong, but became interested when a friend taught me some of the moves. I was struck by the seeming simplicity, the joy I felt in doing it, and the powerful feelings of energy coursing through me. I scoured the newspaper and other local magazines for a Qigong course but there was none as it is not as well known as Tai Chi and Yoga.
When I found Marcus’s course I was very pleased and so got started straight away. I am now on week 6 of the course. Unfortunately I got very ill for a few months and was unable to do the exercises so that is why it has actually been a good bit longer than six weeks since my last post.
Qigong Secrets Home Study Course – The Review So Far
Marcus’s Qigong teaching style
As soon as I bought the course I was impressed by Marcus’ friendly, clear and encouraging teaching style. In the first few lessons he explains some of the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, showing us how in this holistic conception of health, disease (dis-ease) is the result of energy blockages in the body, and Qigong is one way of removing these blockages, thus restoring or maintaining good health.
Each week he prepares an interesting handout with all the info on it, complete with diagrams and pictures. Whilst all this info has already been given to you on that week’s video, its nice to have a quick way to recap what you have learned.
As well as the theory, lessons on the patterns of Qigong (the forms) begin straight away which is great as you feel you are getting stuck in to the practical side, and getting a feel for the martial art. Marcus encourages you to practice every day, but structures the homework so that it only takes a few minutes at first.
Getting the most from your practice and how long it takes
He gradually teaches you more preparation tools so that you get the most out of your practice, but even now it only takes me about 5-10 minutes a day to do everything that he recommends. Some days I feel lazy and don’t want to do it, but I try and make myself because I feel so much better afterwards.
As well as showing you how to relax your body, one of the most valuable preparation methods he reveals is how to relax your inner self through a simple technique called ‘Smile from the Heart’. I particularly value this technique as it draws on much that I have learnt from many traditions (from Reiki to Hypnosis) about making yourself happy and healthy.
How QiGong helps me and how it can help you
So far I’ve learnt two forms through the Qigong secrets home study course – Butterfly dancing in front of flowers and Lifting the Sky. These seemingly simple movements fill me with great joy to do, and after doing qigong I almost always feel lighter and happier, so something must be working.
Marcus gives you a progress tracker to chart your mood and general health, which I have been very naughty about and not done, (but I’m going to start from today, honest Marcus!) but even without that I can see that I feel better after doing Qi Gung and generally in better health and mood.
Physically I enjoy the (gentle) stretching and movements, particularly at night times where during the day I have been cramped in front of the computer.
Ultimately this course comes at a time where I feel I am changing and (hopefully!) growing as a person. I’ve been feeling a desire to improve my self and my life by becoming calmer, being able to put things in perspective more and generally be more happy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not generally a depressive stress head, but like anyone can suffer from sadness and worry under pressure, but I see that this does not help me much, and this Qigong secrets course is really helping me to be that person and it could do the same for you as well as keep you healthy!
So that’s all of my QiGong secrets home study course review for now, if you have any questions please do comment or get in touch.
Thinking of trying the course but still not sure?
Marcus is offering the first two weeks of the Qigong Secrets home study course for just $4.95 and there’s also a free video explaining more about him and the course, so do take a look, you’ve got nothing to lose and lots to learn even if you don’t take it further than these two weeks!