Attention, calling all budding writers! I am currently looking for article writers for this blog and other projects I have around the web. Good rates of pay and potential for long term relationship, or you can send me a one off piece as well. You don’t have to be an expert but I do expect you to know what you are talking about and most importantly create an interesting article.
I’m really looking for quality here, that is the most important thing. I’m looking to pay around £7-10 (approx $11-16) for quality articles, but will be prepared to negotiate with a talented writer, especially if we form a longer term relationship. I’ll be looking for articles of around 500 words – 1200 words.
Who I am looking for
- Native English Speakers
- Good use of punctuation and grammar
- Interesting writing style
- Someone who can come up with interesting article ideas
- Knowledgeable about one of more of the following subjects:
- Spirituality
- Paganism
- Religions
- Traditions
- Psychic & Divination
- Self Help
- Healing
- Magick
- Mythology
- Dragon/Fairy Lore
- Nature
- Gothic
- Steampunk
- Related subjects
Is this you?
If you think you fit the bill then please get in touch at writeforme [at ] , and send me links to any published work, or a sample of your writing (on a relevant topic). You could also send me some potential article subjects if you have any in mind.
Please DON’T bother applying if you plan to just rewrite some article or other, each article will be checked for uniqueness, and it really needs to be interesting as well!
If I like your work I’ll be in touch and we can discuss article ideas, specific rates of pay and so on.
The manifestation of conscious spiritually heightened relationships ALWAYS includes sincere MUTUAL nourishment and harmony of mind, body, and soul.
BE on the same wave length by choosing the same heightened experience, exchange only words that FOCUS only on the desired outcome, and direct your bodies to DEMONSTRATE it as your INTENDED created HIGHEST reality.
Any one of these BEING ACTIONS not in sync with the other, you are only going to fool yourself all the way to the experience of disappointments and breakups. – Kate Anderson
my name is Tracy appleby, I read Tarot cards, and practice hoodoo,presently,I am writing a book of hoodoo, and have already written a book about the Tarot I would like to write for you because I like helping others this is my email-