StormJewel’s Competition Winners

Hi All!

Ok so the winners of my favourite animal competition have been drawn and are ready to be announced….

*fanfares playing*

In First Place winning the £30 gift voucher is Lauren R whose favourite animal is Tigers!

Runner up prizes of £5 each go to Rebecca W who loves Giraffes and Clair D whose fave animal is cats!

Thanks so much to all for entering and sharing your favourite animals with me, and please do keep an eye on my facebook page for more competitions and giveaways!

Want to be sure you never miss out? Why not sign up to my occasional newsletter to find out about new competitions, new items and my latest blog posts.

Does the Law of Attraction Really Work?

Does the Law of Attraction Really Work?Can the Law of Attraction get you a home, a job, a partner or whatever else you may wish for? I think it can but perhaps not in the way you think.

With the popularity of ‘The Secret‘, many people are now trying the law of attraction to get what they want.  In case you’ve been in a hole and never heard of it, it basically involves building up a clear picture of what you want in your head, and thinking about it, putting energy into it until you get what you want.

It also says that if you spend too much time focusing on what you are afraid of, or don’t want, that you will attract this too.

But does it really work like this?

I’ve seen quite a few disillusioned people on the internet sharing their experiences.  One guy (sorry forgotten where I saw it) had spent a lot of time visualising what he wanted and it never transpired.  This led him to think out the rules of the law of attraction and find it useless on this basis:

Thoughts don’t equal action.

His opinion was that believing that what we think influences what happens is a mistake understanding of the causal chain – eg when about to start a flight many passengers may be worrying about it crashing, but it still doesn’t crash because thought don’t influence things in this way.

Is he right?  Well yes and no.  Some people worrying about the plane crashing is not going to have any effect.

What if 300 people onboard willed (as opposed to worried about) it to crash? Possibly this might affect it (after all I do believe spells are possible, which are a sending of intention) but I doubt anyone is going to test it out particularly soon, and quite possibly it wouldn’t be strong enough to have an effect.

But in essence this guy is right, simply thinking about things is not enough to change things, but it is a very good start as long as you realise that it is just the start.  One of the most important things in life to me is helping people to realise that we all have the power of our own destiny.

I strongly believe and have seen much evidence to support the idea that the more energy you put into something the more you will get back.

Does that mean every project you do will succeed? No, but usually you will get some kind of energetic reward for putting effort into something, even if it just experience and determination to do better, but quite frequently new doors will have opened just by the fact that you take action.

ACTION! Yes this word is perhaps the key word for this article, since that is what most people who find the secret and law of attraction unsuccessful don’t realise.  Putting the thoughts and energy into creating the ideas things you want is the vital first step, and doing this correctly will set you up for success.

But if you don’t actually go and do anything, just let these little dreams and ideas sit in your head, that’s all they will ever be, ideas.

It can feel really difficult to begin something new (right now I am trying to make dragon t-shirts and have nearly given up several times before I even really started due to my fears of failing and it looking rubbish) but all you have to do it push through that fear and take even baby tentative steps on your journey.

Most likely you’ll be spurred on my your progress, no matter how small, and then all your mental focusing and energy can be expressed, or possibly you realise the project is no good and can begin starting to look for another better way to do things, which in turn will lead to success!

So that’s what I think, and in fact have long since thought about achieving what you want.

What do you reckon, does the Law of Attraction really work? Have you used The Secret, Cosmic Ordering or some other similar idea or mindset? Let me know below!

Writers wanted! Alternative Writers look here.

Got something interesting to say?

Is it related to what you find here on my blog? (eg Paganism Psychic, healing, self help, nature, mythology, dragons, fairies, alternative religions etc).

If so why not write for me! I’m offering generous rates of pay for genuinely interesting articles by Native UK speakers.

Whether you just wanna write one article or many, find out more here and then get in touch!



Can We Save The Planet? [Infographic]

Part of loving nature and the earth, is caring about it and all it’s inhabitants.  Sadly, climate change is happening, but there are things we can do to try and improve the situation.  This donated infographic shows us the kind of impact that recycling can have in saving energy, pollution and more (ok its a bit US centric but still we can all get the idea).  If you like it, why not pin it on pinterest, or bookmark it to your favourite site and spread the eco world around the world!

31 Important Facts About Alternative Living and Recycling



Alternative living & recycling facts infographic

Donated by  Thanks guys!

Love Pictures? – Follow me on Pinterest!

Follow Me on PinterestFairy Figurines by Jasmine

Dear All

It’s been a while I know, but I’m back baby! 🙂

Do you like interesting/weird/funny/beautiful/inspiring pictures?  If so take a quick look at some gorgeous images on Pinterest – the newest social media site on the block! (You don’t need to sign up or anything).

Recently I’ve been spending quite a lot of time on this exciting site, which is described as an online pinboard.

What this means is you can grab pictures from all around the web and put them on your virtual pinboard to look at later or to show to others.  Like Twitter, (which I also use – feel free to follow me!) you can follow people of interest to you and see when they add new pictures (aka pins).

Its very simple to use and great fun, and if you follow my account you can see all the fantastic and amazing photos I have found on the web, and also see some of my most pretty products!  If you are only interested in some of the things I pin, you can just follow specific pinboards.

The picture you see to the right is one that I have created for Pinterest, to show off all my lovely Fairy figurines by Jasmine Griffith Becket

Currently the main subjects I pin about are,

  • Pagan and Wicca things,
  • Cute animals & Nature
  • Fairies
  • Dragons
  • Good advice
  • Funny things
  • Game of Thrones
    (Have you seen or read this?  A fantastic series of books and tv episodes, brilliant for anyone that likes a fantasy setting with excellent characters and intriguing plot lines.)

I’ll be adding more boards as time goes on.  Do you have any suggestions of boards you’d like to see me pin to?  Are you using Pinterest, or thinking about it?  Let me know below!

StormJewel x

Follow Me on Pinterest

Staying in the Now: Mental Health Through Mindfulness

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Dr. Stuart Eisendrath, director of the UCSF Depression Center, explores mindfulness as a method for sustaining mental wellness. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [2/2010] [Well being and Medicine] [Show ID: 17626]
Video Rating: four / five

How to recycle old things to make cool new gifts and ornaments!

As Pagans (and non-Pagans for that matter!) it’s important that we remember that having a deep love for nature and the earth needs to translate into environmental concerns and throwing away less things is a great way to do this.

I recently published an article on how to be green while gift giving, and so here is another on that theme.

But first if there are any sceptics about environmental issues and climate change reading this, here is a very funny but convincing 2 minute ‘rant’ from UK comedian David Mitchell about why you should consider a rethink. (If you want to see more of his stuff, search for Soapbox on Youtube!)

Ok still with me? Good :o)

I just found this great article about all the ways that we can reuse glass bottles, from gorgeous cola bottle lights to rustic table lamps and atmospheric outdoor candle holders.

Whilst in south east asia I saw loads of this kind of thing, particularly in Luang Prabang in Laos where restarurants by the river had chandeliers made from plastic spoons, beer bottles and more – sounds crazy but actually looks really unique and cool.

Here’s the inventive article:

Do you recycle anything and make it into gifts, ornaments or even altar tools perhaps? I’ll send a small free gift to the best picture that gets sent in of something that you’ve made from old rubbish!

Qigong Secrets Home Study Course – Review

Qigong Secrets Home Study Course – Week 6 – My review

Qigong Secrets Home Study Course Review

So a while ago I told you that I had signed up to an online Qigong course called the Qigong Secrets Home study course, it’s been a few weeks in now, so how’s it going I hear you ask? Here is my review of my experiences, but first, just a little about how and why I found this course.

I regularly meditate, but find it very difficult at times (in fact a lot of the time!) to clear the mind.  Active meditations (which can be anything from walking to something you always do) are ideal if you feel a bit restless when you meditate, and something like Qigong, Tai Chi or Yoga are excellent forms of doing this.

I was always intrigued by Qigong, but became interested when a friend taught me some of the moves. I was struck by the seeming simplicity, the joy I felt in doing it, and the powerful feelings of energy coursing through me. I scoured the newspaper and other local magazines for a Qigong course but there was none as it is not as well known as Tai Chi and Yoga.

When I found Marcus’s course I was very pleased and so got started straight away.  I am now on week 6 of the course. Unfortunately I got very ill for a few months and was unable to do the exercises so that is why it has actually been a good bit longer than six weeks since my last post.

Qigong Secrets Home Study Course – The Review So Far

Marcus’s Qigong teaching style

As soon as I bought the course I was impressed by Marcus’ friendly, clear and encouraging teaching style. In the first few lessons he explains some of the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, showing us how in this holistic conception of health, disease (dis-ease) is the result of energy blockages in the body, and Qigong is one way of removing these blockages, thus restoring or maintaining good health.

Each week he prepares an interesting handout with all the info on it, complete with diagrams and pictures.  Whilst all this info has already been given to you on that week’s video, its nice to have a quick way to recap what you have learned.

As well as the theory, lessons on the patterns of Qigong (the forms) begin straight away which is great as you feel you are getting stuck in to the practical side, and getting a feel for the martial art. Marcus encourages you to practice every day, but structures the homework so that it only takes a few minutes at first.

Getting the most from your practice and how long it takes

He gradually teaches you more preparation tools so that you get the most out of your practice, but even now it only takes me about 5-10 minutes a day to do everything that he recommends.  Some days I feel lazy and don’t want to do it, but I try and make myself because I feel so much better afterwards.

As well as showing you how to relax your body, one of the most valuable preparation methods he reveals is how to relax your inner self through a simple technique called ‘Smile from the Heart’. I particularly value this technique as it draws on much that I have learnt from many traditions (from Reiki to Hypnosis) about making yourself happy and healthy.

How QiGong helps me and how it can help you

So far I’ve learnt two forms through the Qigong secrets home study course – Butterfly dancing in front of flowers and Lifting the Sky.  These seemingly simple movements fill me with great joy to do, and after doing qigong I almost always feel lighter and happier, so something must be working.

Marcus gives you a progress tracker to chart your mood and general health, which I have been very naughty about and not done, (but I’m going to start from today, honest Marcus!) but even without that I can see that I feel better after doing Qi Gung and generally in better health and mood.

Physically I enjoy the (gentle) stretching and movements, particularly at night times where during the day I have been cramped in front of the computer.

Ultimately this course comes at a time where I feel I am changing and (hopefully!) growing as a person.  I’ve been feeling a desire to improve my self and my life by becoming calmer, being able to put things in perspective more and generally be more happy.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not generally a depressive stress head, but like anyone can suffer from sadness and worry under pressure, but I see that this does not help me much, and this Qigong secrets course is really helping me to be that person and it could do the same for you as well as keep you healthy!

So that’s all of my QiGong secrets home study course review for now, if you have any questions please do comment or get in touch.

Thinking of trying the course but still not sure?

Marcus is offering the first two weeks of the Qigong Secrets home study course for just $4.95 and there’s also a free video explaining more about him and the course, so do take a look, you’ve got nothing to lose and lots to learn even if you don’t take it further than these two weeks!



Gorgeous Fairy Figurines, Dragon Gifts and Gothic Goodies

Gabriel - from the collection of dark fairies designed by Myka Jelina
Gabriel – from the collection of dark fairies designed by Myka Jelina

Yay for new stuff! This week I have added over 300 lovely new items to StormJewel’s Gifts, mainly from the fabulous Alchemy Gothic and the ever popular Nemesis Now.

In case you haven’t seen their stuff before, they work with artists from the UK to create gorgeously gothic figurines and jewellery, and allow you to indulge your fantasy side with all different kind of fairy figurines and gifts (butterfly and bat winged fairies, cute ones, gothic ones) which you can decorate your home, garden or altar with.

Dragon Mirror by Nemesis Now!
Dragon Mirror by Nemesis Now!

For the dragon fans among you (and you may know that I am obsessed with these majestic creatures) there’s gorgeous dragon figurines, and lots of unusual gifts from dragon boxes to wine holders, wall plaques and artwork by Anne Stokes.

As well as fantasy artwork (in the form of scrolls to hang on your walls), the talented Anne Stokes brings us her gothic collection of figurines, including wonderfully vampy ladies, gorgeous trinket boxes and more, do take a look!

Alchemy Gothic Necklace
Alchemy Gothic Necklace
Vampire Chic by Alchemy Gothic
Vampire Chic by Alchemy Gothic

I’ve also added a new line of Gothic and rock clothes, such as Gothic and Pagan Dark Star Clothes and Vince ray t shirts for girls and boys.

There are so many new products that I know Magick enthusiasts will love so come visit my shop!

Thanks for reading,

BB, StormJewel x

Pagan Discrimination in NYC

The Witches' Voice
Image courtesy of Witchvox

Recently I wrote about my experience with what could be called religious discrimination. This post was first published on and I’ve had lots of people emailing me with their experiences.  One fellow Pagan told me a rather shocking tale of his experiences in NYC and asked me to publish it to make other Wiccans and Pagans aware and so this is his story.


“Hi Louisa! Wonderful to get a response from a Witchvox user. I hope all is well with you.

Since I have found out about the situation at the Waterford Connecticut mall [ED: Pete is referring to the fact that a Christian minister took over the shopping mall and removed all Wiccan pendants that were on sale These pendants are now being sold there again Pete has since told me] I have appointed myself unofficial “Investigator of Religious Intolerance” (sort of) I regularly go to Barnes & Nobles in Manhattan at Union Square. I like to talk to New Age people and see what new ideas are emerging as well as help an occasional young wiccan to choose the right book for them. I have worked at a Wiccan book store in the past, so I pretty much know all the books.


I have spoken to several wiccans about discrimination against members of the craft and unfortunately it seems to be increasing. I have had wiccans tell me that they are fearful to wear their pentagram in public, afraid that some crazy person will target them. Several people have told me that individuals have approached them and made hateful comments and in one case a young woman was spat upon. I didn’t want believe this was happening at first, so I decided I would look into this.

I began to “lecture” about wicca in Barnes and Nobles to any who would listen to me. I would talk about the principles and values of wicca. If anyone asked me about what books were good I would give them a “talk” about how wicca is an awesome religion. Well, let me tell you, I have had many bizarre and frightening incidents occur to me since I began this. One day, I was speaking to an older gentleman in his 60’s who seemed to be appreciating my Goddess-centered spin on history when he suddenly stopped talking and stared at me strangely. He said “If we find out you know anything specific we will kill you.” I was stunned, I wanted to say: “Who’s we?” Instead I said “You have a good night Sir.” I thought that he was just an isolated case of a lunatic, so I waited a month and went back. I was not there fifteen minutes when a group of people approached me and crowded around me too closely.


They were asking me: What books do you recommend?’ and “What practises do you do?” Their manner was threatening. I realized what they were doing and I began to turn it around on them. I asked one of them, a woman in her twenties, “What do YOU do?” and “Why not share with me some of YOUR practises?” They looked at me with silent contempt and left. This type of incident happened a number of times. It did not stop me however. I needed to know who is harassing wiccans. Since those incidents, I have been followed by these same people around the city. These are just a small sample of what I have encountered. Some of the events are too frightening and it would be inappropriate to relate.
In one instance, I met a young woman whom I had spoken to a few times before that was interested in wicca. She has a pure heart and is a good person. I began to talk to her about wiccan spellcrafting. There were some old guys in the New Age section browsing and one younger guy that I know to be well, evil. I had spoken to this guy before and I know that he is completely amoral. He hates witches. He thinks that witches are in his words “stupid.” He interrupted our conversation and asked her why she would ever want to be wiccan. She asked him what he meant. He said to her that she should study something with more “strength”. She asked “Like what?” He deliberately tried to be vague and wouldn’t answer. She tried to talk to me but he kept on interrupting. I got the impression that he was deliberately trying to interfere. The young woman got agitated and left. He looked at me with a pleased expression.

I spoke to a magician friend of mine about all this and he said that you have to be careful because there are christian and other types of occult groups here in NYC that are “going after” wiccans and other magical folk. I asked him what he meant and he told me that several of his longtime friends have had to move out of NYC because of the harassment. I know that he is telling me the truth. I can only hope that this is a temporary development and that these are just foolish people doing stupid things.


I also dearly hope that this isn’t the beginning of a fascist culture!!! I’ll keep trying to protect those of the craft. Please remember, Witches heal, protect and serve. Please feel free to post this in your blog and on witchvox. The people of the craft should know. Blessed Be Pete.”


Thanks for sharing that with us Pete. This is a very shocking story but at least by spreading awareness we may be able to improve the situation.

If anyone has any stories (good or bad!) that they would like to share please do so!

Blessed Be!
